more than once i’ve sat bolt upright in the middle of the house thinking of better names for carpet colour; i think you’d approve of ‘cul-de-sac brown’ and ‘giant yellow dream’

i noticed life
doesn’t float this way
or that
i’ve noticed
is not clear
not exactly clear
for more than half
the pixels have
been fudged

in the way
in a way it is and
the most you can say
about anybody
is anyone’s guess

‘not exactly clear’
is legal
for more than half
my life
i’ve required
auratic prosthetics

for reading

all the time invested
you can tell
you know that
office workers
never have auras
by definition
rose is such a
colour in general
just so much
rides on

what i’ve noticed
doesn’t apply
to sport and for
we are grateful
just so you know
it is also bread
we buy and
spiritual rightness
at the shop
i go down
on one banana
after the other
in order
to distract the
shop boy so

my girlfriend
steals cake
she is so
laughing like
that’s the way
time devours

i say that 
without irony
without you
noticing me
the world might
have stopped
you never know
i’m serious
in telling you this
is not a
wisecrack move
to get you into
bed but since
you’re already
hic et nunc
why not

just peel off
gently and just
float to the floor
this carpet was
installed so
quickly so
the pixels are
not exactly
your taste
is exquisite
more than
once i’ve sat
bolt upright
in the middle
of the house
thinking of
better names for
carpet colour
i think you’d
approve of
‘cul-de-sac brown’
and ‘giant yellow